Table of Contents – 448 pages Catharsis in Regression Hypnotherapy
About the Author
Preface to Volume II
1. The Value of Catharsis in Regression
Selecting Appropriate Processes
Understanding Abreaction and Catharsis
Spontaneous Abreaction
Recognizing the Value of Emotional Release
Considerations to Keep in Mind
2. Encouraging vs Discouraging Emotions
Ideomotor Methods for Subconscious Guidance
Working with Emotions After Signals for Detachment
Utilizing Openness to Emotions
3. Working with Abreaction
Preparation for Potential Catharsis
Encouraging the Awareness and Expression of Emotions
Bringing It All Together
4. Grounding and Centering for the Therapist
A Grounding and Centering Induction
Methods and Uses
Summary of Sample Grounding and Centering Steps
5. Daniel’s Emotional Blocking
The Shock of the Sudden Divorce
Daniel Writes 15 Years Later
6. Rose’s Pervading Sadness
The Tragic Attempted Escape from Hungary
Rose’s Journaling Notes
Interview Two and a Half Weeks After the Session
Rose Writes Four Years Later
7. John’s Shame
The Felon Who Didn’t Fit In
8. Curtis and Charlene: Explorations of Averting Catharsis
Curtis’ Claustrophobia
Interview Eight Days After the Session
Charlene’s Childhood Trauma
Interview One Week After the Second Session
9. Virginia’s Desire for a Healthy Relationship
The Extremely Dysfunctional Family
Interview Three Weeks Later
10. Virginia’s Panic Attacks
Smothered by Her Disturbed Brother
Interview One Year Later
Interview Three Years Later
From One of Virginia’s Later Notes to Randal
11. Sean’s Flashbacks of Possible Molestation
Uncovering and Cathartic Clearing
Interview One Week Later
12. Issues of Potential Sexual Abuse
The Subtleties of Neutrality
Lessons from the Case of Holly Ramona
Recovering Memories with Minimum Inaccuracy
An Exception to the Neutrality Rule
13. Rita’s Road Rage
The Explosive Driver
Interview One Week Later
14. Jill’s Writing Block
The Private Journal Read by her Police Chief Father
Interview One Week Later
15. Kane’s Rebellion Revisited
Unfinished Issues of School and Mother
Interview the Next Day
Interview One Year Later
16. Theresa’s Abusive Relationships
The Unlovable Child
Theresa Writes One Year Later
17. Regarding Past Life Regression
The Theory of Past Life Regression and the Value of Metaphor
Exploring the Possibilities
Understanding Suggestibility Factors
18. Corinna’s Self-Destruction
Past Life Regression: The Annihilation of a Village
Interview One Week Later
Corinna Writes Eight Years Later
19. Chris’ Terror
Past Life Regression: The Concentration Camp
Interview One Week Later
20. Chris’ Guilt
Exposing the Abusive Father
Interview One Month Later
Interview One Year Later
21. Chris’ Struggles with Work
Follow-Up Past Life Regression: They’ll Kill Me if I Stop
Chris Writes Five Years Later
Abreaction and Catharsis: Foundations and Meanings
Annotated Bibliography